A Charlie Brown Christmas
Well, gang! It is officially Christmas time. Despite the fact that Jane and I have been listening to Christmas songs since October, it is time to get in the Holiday Spirit! And what better way to do that than for me to watch some Christmas movies. So every Friday from now until Christmas Eve, I will post about classic Christmas movies. But they will not be traditional posts where I outline the plot and describe what I like and did not like about the movie. I plan to just write out my thoughts as they come to me during the movie. I will just let the stream of consciousness flow.
Without further ado, here is my first entry into this exercise: A Charlie Brown Christmas.
Is that Christmas song supposed to be creepy? Because it gets as close as possible to the line without being creepy. It’s the kid’s voices altogether. It just sounds off to me.
Man, the 1960s were a different time. Charlie goes out skating without a helmet, slams into a tree headfirst, and just walks it off. They don’t make kids like they used to.
How old are these kids supposed to be again? Linus is still sucking his thumb and walking around with a blanket. But they are leaving home and walking around the neighborhood alone. Someone who actually knows how old they are, please let me know.
Lucy listing all the fears someone could have while Charlie is asking her for help is like the 1960s version of listing your symptoms on WebMD. You could have a sore throat and that website will think you have cancer.
That real estate wish that Lucy has probably paid off well if it came true.
If Sally really wants her fair share perhaps, she would be more interested in a socialist system rather than the capitalist one we have been living off in America for centuries. Sorry. Sorry. I won’t make any more socialist jokes…in this post.
We need more dance breaks in kids’ shows like this one has. I definitely would have enjoyed some dancing during Saturday morning episodes of Jimmy Neutron.
I sympathize with Jeremy who apparently will play a Shepherd for eternity. My sophomore year play was a Sherlock Holmes play, and I was a dead body three times.
Schroeder refuses to let Charlie control his musical genius, and I respect it.
“If you really thought I was beautiful you would have said so right away…I know when I’ve been insulted!” That line is terrific.
Maybe Charlie Brown would not be depressed if he could go through a single day without being told he cannot do anything right by Lucy and the other kids.
Were Aluminum Christmas trees a real thing? Because that just seems stupid. What a waste. Do you recycle them after December 25th?
I kind of understand where Lucy is coming from when she says Beethoven “wasn’t so great.” I don’t think U2 was very great, and they are not on any bubble gum cards either. Seems logical to me.
Dude, these kids are really giving Charlie Brown grief. That tiny tree is spectacular!! It grew like 5 branches since Charlie bought it and when he got it back to the theater.
Linus says he cannot memorize anything, but then he quotes Luke 2:8-14 perfectly from memory. Has Charlie’s depression rubbed off on his friends? Good grief, what a vicious cycle.
If Snoopy’s doghouse won first prize in the Christmas decorations contest, then I have to imagine the competition is pretty weak.
Crazy theory: Pigpen is not dirty; he has the worst case of dandruff ever, and every time he moves more flakes come down.
Well, those are my A Charlie Brown Christmas thoughts. I will see you all next Friday for some thoughts on another Christmas classic!
Until I see another one