I’m back

I’m back to writing, my loyal readers. I stopped writing last year because I felt so overwhelmed with moving and working and other personal commitments that it was hard to find the personal time to sit down and write. Does that mean I slowed down my movie intake?….hahahahahahaha…no. Definitely not. But I still wrote for Siftpop.com a few times a month at most and would show up on their podcasts. I’m definitely gonna keep doing that as I love writing for them and the community of writer’s there.

But the last few weeks on more than one occasion I’ve had friends as me if I’m still posting on here. And these friends would tell me how much they enjoyed my writing or that they had my website bookmarked. Hearing that made me feel incredible. Even if just two people are reading my thoughts on movies that means the world to me.

So one of my goals for the rest of this year is to start posting more consistently about the movies that I see. I don’t know how often I’m going to have time to sit down and write a full review of something, but I can still make use of this site. So what I am planning to do is make this more of a journal posting for my thoughts on movies I see to keep you updated on. So one post may contain multiple entries on multiple different movies. There will be plenty of titles (old and new) for me to talk about and write about. Also if you’re not interested in a flick I saw, you can just skip on down to the next journal entry and read about that one! Kind of a “all you can watch” buffet!

That’s not all! By the end of the year I hope to have either a YouTube channel or a podcast up and running where I can talk in more depth about movies I love. I won’t stop posting here, but another place to dive deeper into some things I love would be awesome. I’ve fallen in love with the Movies with Mikey channel and the Big Picture podcast over the years and I hope to emulate them in some small semblance if I can. Will I be as good as them? Nah. But I will try.

I won’t stop posting on SiftPop.com either so please take this as a plug to go to their website and check out what’s on there. They make some great stuff.

Love you guys!

Until I see another one.


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