The Nightmare Before Christmas - Stream of Consciousness

Director: Henry Selick (Shocker, right? I thought it was Tim Burton too.)

Writer: Tim Burton, Michael McDowell, Caroline Thompson

Starring: Danny Elfman, Chris Sarandon, Catherine O’Hara, Ken Page

Reason for watching: It’s the Halloween season! I have to have one holiday-themed post

Number of times I’ve watched it: two to three times.


I have decided to bring back an old gimmick I did right when I started this blog. Last year, I watched a movie that was terrible and just wrote down my train of thought as I watched the movie. No disrespect to Hot Topic’s favorite movie, but it has earned its meme status and I think I can jokingly pay attention to it and still enjoy it. Without further ado, my stream of consciousness regarding The Nightmare Before Christmas:

  • What’s the point of having a mayor if everyone looks up to Jack Skellington? It’s like a hat on a hat.

  • Anybody else notice that as Jack is walking through the graveyard that he has finger to his mouth in deep thought? He looks like a weird version of the thinker.

  • Also Zero has a red nose! It’s like Rudolph the red-nosed dead dog!

  • “Jack, I’m only an elected official here. I can’t make decisions by myself.” This is almost too close to home right now. I’m pretty sure only my brother would appreciate this comment.

  • I wonder if that space between holiday worlds has a tree that takes you to National Bubble Wrap Day?

  • There are a few key opinions that almost everyone has about Disney movies (Lion King is amazing, Alice in Wonderland paired with The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd is unusually dope pairing, and “Let it Go” never needs to be sung again). I propose a new one: “What’s this?” by Jack Skellington is amazing.

  • I’m here for the Halloweentown mayor being a lazy POS who can’t do anything on his own.

  • There’s so much cool stuff in Halloweentown. My favorite two things are that spider that made a web out of Christmas lights and the missing link being one of the residents of the town.

  • I did not need to see Sally jump from a tower window in an attempt to escape. Got major Hannah Baker vibes from that.

  • The word brick-a-brack is my new favorite word. I need to hear it every day for the rest of my life.

  • Again, we got more weird vibes from this movie when they showed us an electric chair that’s lit up by Christmas tree lights.

  • Okay, so we have canonical proof that both the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus are real in this universe. What mythological figure occupies the Fourth of July world? George Washington? Benjamin Franklin? Abraham Lincoln. I choose to believe it’s Billie Mays.

  • Is Oogie Boogie related to Sac Boy from those video games? Was there some kind of lawsuit over these guys?

  • AHA!!!! I knew Zero was supposed to become Rudolph!!

  • That song Sally sings has to be the most blatant ripoff of “On My Own” from Les Miserables I have ever seen.

  • The Airforce went after Jack with anti-aircraft guns?? Doesn’t NORAD track Santa every Christmas anyway? They should expect this, right?

  • Jack laying in that angel’s arms is the most baroque image in a movie that almost entirely makes fun of baroque stuff.


  • Now I get why teenage loners love this movie. The two weirdos end up together at the end, and those teenagers are forever alone or something…is that still a meme?

Well, that’s it. Thanks for reading the whole thing (hopefully).

Until I see another one.


Last Night in Soho

